Alpine University Products
Shuttle and Bus Location System
Alpine has been delivering, installing, and operating University vehicle tracking systems for the past decade!
GPS Tracking Systems provide complete transit management and provide live information for public display
- Tracking Systems display location of Shuttles, Buses, ADA Vehicles, and Fleet/Service Vehicles
- Information can be displayed publicly or viewed for internal transit management
- Promotes use of campus transportation systems to minimize congestion
- Enhances bus / shuttle experience and transit convenience
- Fixed Site Displays and Mobile App integration for riders, users, and faculty team
- Parking Site solutions can be paired with Transit Systems
- LED Displays – All sizes, types, indoor/outdoor and interactive touchscreeen functionality
- Web based digital signage and display management software
- Emergency Notification capabilities
- Text notification and additional mobile notification capabilities
Download GPS Product Brochure
Download GPS Product Spec Sheet